Toa Nuva Identification

The seven guardians of Mata Nui. 6 fell from the sky, and the newest, Takanuva, was found in Takua, a Ta-Koroan villager, and was transformed into a Toa Nuva when he put on the Avohkii Mask of Light. Here are all their names, elements, and characteristics.
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   Tahu Nuva, Toa Nuva of Fire. He wears the Hau Nuva, Nuva Mask of Shielding. His twin magma blades can be put together to become a lava board, which helps him get around quickly in liquids. Tahu is a fiery character, who usually acts without thinking. He has a quick temper and this sometimes gets him into trouble.
   Gali Nuva, Toa Nuva of Water. The only female Toa Nuva, she wears the Kaukau Nuva, Nuva Mask of Water Breathing. Her Aqua Axes can attach to her feet along with her rotors to propel het quickly through the water. She is the wisest of the Toa Nuva, and is the one of the Toa who help to cool Tahu's temper. She is thoughtful, and thinks before she acts.
   Lewa Nuva, Toa Nuva of Air. He wears the Miru Nuva, Nuva Mask of Levitation. His Katana can attach to his body to help him glide through the air. He's a carefree figure, and is easily one of the most lovable Toa Nuva. Since he is Le-Koroan, he talks in "Tree-Speak", using words like, "Wind-Fly", "Foot-Walking" and "Air-Flying". However, when it comes to action, Lewa Nuva helps to defeat the menace. Lewa has been infected twice before, once by an infected Kanohi mask and another time by a Krana. His experiences as a villian has helped him get inside the mind of the villian, and he is an excellent strategist.
   Pohatu Nuva, Toa Nuva of Stone. He wears the Kakama Nuva, Nuva Mask of Speed. His twin claws can combine to create the legendary Kodan ball, a weapon of immense proportions. Like Lewa Nuva, he is a carefree figure, and is easily the joker in the group. He is the messenger/herald of the Toa Nuva, as his speed can get him anywhere on Mata Nui quickly.
   Onua Nuva, Toa Nuva of Earth. He wears the Pakari Nuva, Nuva Mask of Strength. His twin quakebrakers (chainsaws) can attach to his feet to become high-speed roller skates. The short one in the group, he can lift immense weights, and usually does the heavy lifting for the Toa Nuva. This might make him a little headstrong, but he has usually an open mind.
   Kopaka Nuva, Toa Nuva of Ice. He wears the Akaku Nuva, Nuva Mask of X-Ray Vision. His ice blade can be split into two parts to create ice skates which allow him to move around quickly in his homeland of Mount Ihu. The coldest and most remote of the Toa Nuva, Kopaka Nuva rarely speaks and never smiles. He is very closed, and seems to be oblivious to all around him.
   Takanuva, Toa Nuva of Light. He wears the Avohkii, Great Mask of Light. He carries his Staff of Light to focus his powers, which can send light balls at an opponent or paralyze him a column of brilliant light. Although technically he is not a Toa Nuva, the other Toa Nuva have accepted him as a member. Takanuva used to be a Ta-Koroan Matoran, named Takua the Chronicler, who went from village to village, in search of adventures. This all changed when Takua put on the Avohkii and was transformed into Takanuva. His experiences as a Matoran has developed a special compassion for Matoran, and he is one of the most thoughtful Toa Nuva.

 Toa Nuva
